- Where do I find my Notice Number?
- You should find this in large print on the Notice of Intended Prosecution you received through the post, under the heading Notice Number.
- Why can I not access the Road Safety Portal to view offence images and reply to the Notice?
- Use the Notice Number and your Security PIN to access the Portal. If you are having difficulty logging in, please note that it may take 24-36 hours from the date the Notice was issued to upload the details to the portal and allow access. There may be a similar delay to view offence images. In which case, please try again later. If your default phone browser has difficulty logging in, please try an alternative browser.
- Why have I been sent this Notice?
- We have photographic evidence of the vehicle exceeding the speed limit or contravening a red light/red x. Either the DVLA has you recorded as the registered keeper of the vehicle, or you are the insurance policy holder for the vehicle, or you have been nominated as the driver or person responsible for the vehicle.
- What if I ignore the Notice?
- This notice is a legal requirement under section 172 of the Road Traffic Act 1988. If you choose to ignore the Notice then you may be summoned to appear in court for the offence of failing to provide driver details. This is likely to result in a significantly higher penalty than the original traffic offence and carries a maximum penalty of 6 points and a £1000 fine.
- I did not receive the Notice within 14 days?
- The requirement to serve the Notice within 14 days only applies to the first Notice issued to the details held by the DVLA. If you have subsequently been nominated by another party/company, or your current address has not been updated with the DVLA, then this may be the reason you have received a notice after this period. In these circumstances, this request for driver information is still a legal duty, and you are required to respond.
- If the driver is not the registered keeper of the vehicle, the vehicle is a hire vehicle or has been incorrectly registered with the DVLA or further DVLA checks have to be made the form will take longer to arrive, however, this does not invalidate the Notice.
- How long do I have to respond to this request?
- Within 28 days from the Notice Issue date, which can be found on the Notice.
- What should I do if the person I am nominating lives abroad?
- You will not be able to complete an online nomination, you will need to reply to the Notice providing the driver details, as well as evidence that they were in the country at the time of the alleged offence, and provide a copy of the insurance policy confirming they were insured, permitting them to drive the vehicle at the time.
- Please post any communication back to the Road Safety Unit or email the correspondence back to RSU@leics.police.uk.
- What should I do if I do not have the complete address i.e. just the street name
- You will be unable to complete the online nomination and should complete the Notice with as much detail as you can. Providing a covering letter as to why you are unable to provide the full details. Please post any communication back to the Camera Enforcement Unit.
- Can I see the Photographs and Camera Calibration Certificate?
- Photographs can be viewed by logging into the Road Safety Portal using your Notice Number and PIN supplied on the first page of your Notice. It may take 24-36 hours from the date the Notice was issued, to upload the images to the portal. You can view the camera calibration certificates at https://www.speedorsafety.com/camera-locations/speed-camera-statistics
- I do not believe it was my car that was responsible / at the scene of this offence
- You cannot use the online Portal and must complete the form, with a written explanation as to why you think it was not your vehicle responsible for this offence. Provide as much information as you can to support your account. Provide 6 colour images of your vehicle taken in daylight, including front, rear, both sides and close up images of the number plates. We will then review this.
- Mitigating circumstances
- All mitigation must be made in writing either by e-mail or letter and cannot be accepted via the Portal. We will only consider your circumstances once you have admitted to being the driver at the time of the offence by completing the enclosed form. You will be informed of the outcome of the mitigation. Please note any mitigation request does not affect the statutory time limit of the notice – continuing to write to us after a decision has been made will not delay the Notice being progressed and may result in a summons being issued for you to attend court.
- What is an electronic signature?
- You will not be able to submit your nomination without completing this field and ticking the box stating that you are the person/representative of the company that this Notice is addressed to. The information that you provide must be true to the best of your knowledge and belief and knowing that if tendered in evidence, you are liable to prosecution should you wilfully state information that you know to be false or do not believe to be true. Without this you have not complete with the (C.J Act 1967, s9) (M>C> Act, ss5A, 3A and 6B).
If you are making an admission, you are confirming you understand that you are submitting the online form in response to Steps 1 and 2 of the Notice of Intended Prosecution, to confirm you were the driver at the time of the alleged offence. You also understand that by entering your name and completing the online submission, you are signing this document in the same way as completing your usual signature to confirm the content of the information contained within it. You also understand that the online admission may be produced in court if necessary.
What happens next?
- If you were not the driver and nominate someone else.
- The person you nominated will receive their own Notice. You will not hear from us unless, there is an issue with the details of the person you have nominated.
- If you were the driver.
- You will be considered for the options; a driver retraining course, a fixed penalty or the option to request your case is heard by a Magistrate. If you are not eligible for these options because you have recently attended a course or already have too many points, the matter may be referred directly to Magistrates Court. We will contact you with the options available to you by post once we have completed eligibility checks.
Please see https://speedorsafety.com for more safety advice and frequently asked questions.